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Imbolc - Celebrating the first signs of Spring

The days are getting longer and the light of Spring is returning as we welcome Imbolc this week. The life is stirring in the earth beneath our feet, the first snowdrops are appearing and other bulbs are emerging. Imbolc brings new life, new ideas and inspiration.

"Mother I feel you under my feet, Mother I hear your heart beat" - Windsong Martin

The goddess associated with Imbolc is Brigid, who appears at the end of the winter to awaken the earth once more from her winter slumber. Brigid is also a goddess of light, healers, love, poets and the hearth. However, the goddess of Winter, the Cailleach is not always ready to lose her hold at this time of year and continues to summon up wintry showers, so some days are more spring like whilst others are quite wintry. As we get closer to the spring equinox, winter is finally overthrown and it is said in some legends that the Goddess Brigid descends to earth as sunbeams.

“A subtle moment between winter and spring, Imbolc perched on a blade of frost, teases a cold thaw from a sharp freeze...the brooding winter shroud slips, twitches with brooding spring secrets." - Brian Boothby - Earth Pathways Diary

Imbolc is a time to prepare inwardly for change, to plant ideas and leave them to germinate, just as Nature takes her time and flowers bloom and buds grow when they are ready – allow your ideas to grow and develop too, slowly unfolding as nature is gently rising and emerging.

What has been stirring within you?
What inspires you?
What ideas would you like to take into the new season?

We hold seasonal circles and drumming circles throughout the year, which are open to non-members and members alike. If you feel the call to meet us in circle with other like-minded women our next event is our Elements Drumming Circle on Thursday February 10th - an evening of Wild Moon Drumming - calling upon the elements, singing from the soul & connecting to abundant Mother Earth. We would LOVE to see you there! Claim your space HERE!

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